Submit here. Letters: Letters to the editor are welcome on topics of local or state interest. Letters must include author's full name, address and day and home phone numbers. Form here. WEL);iN(rjpN, Fejb. NBC News reserves the right to edit for clarity, length and tone, but they pledge to stay true to your views and argument. The Council sat at 1.45 p.m. Present-Messrs W. Jeffries (County Chairman), T. R. Chesterman, E. A. Letters: Email: Email: We are happy to hear ideas from anyone on any topic, but remember that youre submitting to the US opinion section, which focuses on American issues. Include job title, home address, and telephone numbers. Assuming you've read my advice on how to write an op-ed above, here are the links you'll need to submit an op-ed to the following newspapers: New York Times Wall Street Journal Washington Post USA Today Kalamazoo - Commentary: Submit through this online form. Email. If you're emailing our designated pitch email account ( us.opinion@, please offer specifics. The Nation is particularly interested in civil liberties, civil rights, labor, economics, environmental privacy, policing, feminist issues, and politics. Email: THE TURF. Please note that Guardian US pitches, if commissioned, will be published online, and few (if any) will appear in the UK-only print edition newspaper. 750 words max. Letters:If you are from Ann Arbor, reach Letters are published online and in print. Letters: Under 300 words. Founded in 1847, Chicago Tribune is the flagship publication of the Chicago Tribune Media Group. No anonymity or pseudonymity. In order to submit, authors must agree to the following guidelines: The article has not been previously published and you are submitting it for potential publication on CNN exclusively. Email: If considering letter for publication, will call to verify authorship. Include information about your home community and your phone number. Op-eds: No longer than 650 words. Op-eds: No more than 650 words. Also provide your number. Email: You can send letters to or go to this link to fill out the letters form. Include name of author, and brief biography on both attachment AND email. Click here for the latest from the US opinion homepage. Op-eds not submitted by noon Wednesday may not be reviewed until the week after. Subject: Op-Ed Submission. Include your position, city or community, and relevant background information. In British politics, it is glorified, Sunaks fast-tracking of the retained EU law bill shows that the road away from Europe is one-way, and paved to the lowest possible standard, Prince Harry aside, the royals excel at hiding information about themselves and this prevents them being held to account, says Jemimah Steinfeld, editor in chief of Index on Censorship, They were expensive 30, so it was a big decision but he doesnt have central heating and hes too ill to be cold, says Siobhan, Ill be going away for the festive season. The general rule of thumb is 500 words or less. Submit your op-ed to [email protected]. Letters: Include above mentioned requisites. You may also submit to this online form. Op-eds: Write 600 words. Pitches for a 700-800 word column (the average length of our pieces) dont need to be more than a few paragraphs long. Perhaps youre an expert in the particular subject youd like to write about, or you have a personal story that will bring readers new insight into an aspect of the days news. No attachments, include name, Twitter handle, numbers, byline identification with an affiliation or expertise that is related to the essay. Letters: Send emails without attachments to Attachments will not be opened. Submit an Op-Ed | Raleigh News & Observer. Email: Include name, home address, day number, and email. Submissions must be exclusive. An. Writers of letters selected for publication will be notified within a week. Letters: Under 300 words. What's an op-ed? Previously unpublished pieces preferred. Op-eds: Pitches should be one to two paragraphs in length. Or email: Email: Your piece may be published in print or online -- or both. Is she really an insult to Scooby-Doo fans? Email: Edition Politics It's Time For Democrats To Do Something About Far-Right Judges Republican-appointed judges have routinely and systematically overruled Biden's agenda through their unrestrained use of nationwide injunctions. Or submit to their online form. It is also known its iconic cover art. To increase your chances of publication, join us any Thursday at 5pm ET for our Ask A Journalist office hours. We welcome your pitches to Guardian Opinion its best to send them via email, to Letters: Letters should be exclusive to The New York Times or The International New York Times. The Guardian's online comment section is 10 which articles do you remember most? The Washington Post provides award-winning news and understanding about the politics, policies, personalities, and institutions that make Washington, D.C. the worlds seat of power, and is a critical tool and information source for those who call Washington, D.C. home. E-mail and tell us a bit about yourself and a brief outline for an article. High volume prevents acknowledging receipt of submissions. It should have a theme that could be summarized in a single, complete sentence. The American. Letters: Submit through their online form. Preferred length is 700 words. They cannot be libelous, incendiary or offensive to broad portions of our readership. To go deeper, come to one of our workshops. Include city of residence, and daytime phone number. To submit an op-ed for the "Community Voices" section, you must create a user account and submit using the form provided. Or submit via this online form. AJC reserves rights to publish print/electronic formats. Email: They should be debatable in nature: They should take a stance that some but not all of our readers would agree with. Your letter should be exclusive to The Courant. Op-eds: Piece should be up to 700 words. Letters: Each must carry the writers printed name, address and daytime phone number. If you have written your letter in another program you may cut and paste it into your e-mail or the letters form. The Daily News reserves the right to edit letters. Priority to local writers writing on local topics. Circulation, however, does not determine how far your op-ed can go. Letters: 200 words or less. Bring Your Opinion to an Opinion-Worthy Topic Letters: Submit online here. They want pieces that are incisive and compelling, and that include issues at the top of the news, or that introduce wholly new subject matters. Submit an Op-Ed - The Boston Globe Submit an Op-Ed Updated December 26, 2019, 2:35 p.m. You might work in an industry that has just been the subject of a breaking story, and want to opine on it. Op-eds have a limit of 675 words, and submissions must be exclusive. You must include your email address, address with city and daytime phone number for verification. Email Community Opinion Editor, Laura Castaneda at The Guardian is a major international newspaper, with a long history, and a good reputation. Op-eds: Must include middle initial, and must be exclusive to Union-Tribune to be considered for publication. For more information, see our freelance charter. The article should run between 800-1200 words. Commentaries should not exceed 800 words. Give preference to local, regional, and Californian topics and writers. If you are an editor of a publication that is not listed and would like to be listed or if you know information for an outlet that is not listed, please notify us at Chosen articles will be contacted. Breaking News, data, and opinions in business, sports, entertainment, travel, lifestyle, plus much more. Include your name, address and phone number to be considered for publication. The Op-Eds that deal with those subjects are written in the recent aftermath of protests and videos. Include your fill name, home address, and day number. Letters: We invite readers to share their thoughts with us by completing the form on our website. Online form here -- there are also details on how to mail or fax your piece. Op-eds: Your article should focus on issues of concern to the charities, foundations, donors, and others who have a stake in the charitable nonprofit world. Op-eds selected for the print edition rarely exceed 500 words. Op-Ed Why Woody Allen May Be The Real Brainwasher The director's rebuttal to Dylan Farrow's allegations that he molested her depicts his ex, Mia Farrow, as a deceitful, manipulative, hate . You can also submit online here. Personal Essays: HuffPost seeks compelling first person stories from diverse contributors in all content areas like sex/relationships, work, identity, health/mental health, body/body image, family, parenting etc. You dont need any special expertise to have your article considered for publication, but if you do, please elaborate. Before submitting your letter to the editor, please type your name at the end, as though you are signing it. Deal with a single subject. Letters: Maximum length is 250 words and writers should include their full name, address and phone numbers for verification. Note: The Guardian is committed to transparent, independent journalism. No anonymous submissions. To learn more, read their submission guidelines. Why cant we stop Vincent Bollor in France? Op-eds: Send in op-ed the same way as letters to the editors. Letters: To submit a letter to the editor, use their online form. Embrace uncertainty. Include color photo of the author. You must have some expertise in the field, or in the case of an essay, some direct personal experience. If a submission is accepted for print publication, notice of publication is generally send concurrent with posting. Letters: 150 words. May become property of the Star. Include day number and street address. Email your opinion submissions to [email protected], and/or check out their Masthead to contact an editor directly. Letters: 200-250 words. Email: or Include name, number, and address. If you would like to be considered for submission, please send a short synopsis and proposed title for your article to Infosecurity Deputy Editor, James Coker, Final commentaries should be about 600-800 words. Op-eds: Submit your piece to Open Forum, where letters are expected to be 500 words or fewer. Wells, W. 11. There should be a headshot of you as well, at least 200KB. Include links to previously published work. If youre emailing our designated pitch email account (us.opinion@, please offer specifics. Letters: Email: If 10 days pass, you may offer elsewhere. Op-eds: Email: It can be tempting, when you have an idea, to write the whole piece, and send it over, but its very rare for us to publish a piece in these circumstances. Letters may be edited for clarity and length. Letters: See instructions for submitting op-eds. Opinion The Guardian Nigeria News - Nigeria and World News The Guardian is a major international newspaper, with a long history, and a good . The Tempest More info here. Each section of the paper has an editor available for contact. Must be exclusive to the State. \Vfet/'rii\Gi'6N, Aug 15. Email 2023 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. Op-eds: Other Opinion gives priority to locally written pieces on state and regional issues. Letters: Email: and include full name, address and phone number. Local topics and authors preferred. 150 words. Please include a daytime phone number and let them know what institution you are affiliated with or what city or town you are writing from. Email: The Guardian view on Peru's political violence: stop the killings More The Guardian view Spotlight When people are asked to vote to demolish their homes, you have to ask if this is true. Please include your name, street address and daytime phone number, for verification of your identity and so that we they contact you if they have questions about your submission. You can submit to the above mentioned online forum or email address. They are more recently famous for breaking the story about the leaks by Edward Snowden. Do not send letter as an attachment. o Op-Eds: Submit 750 words or less. it will not be useable. Email: Letters: Email: Subject matter must be relevant, provocative, constructive, and timely. Letters: Email: Mahmoud Abu Zeid, better known as Shawkan, has been held for three years and could face the death penalty. Infosecurity welcomes exclusive op-ed pitches from industry professionals.We will not, however, publish articles published elsewhere or largely repurposed, the content must be unique to Infosecurity.. It. Letters: Email: We suggest that you choose a publication and then read recent issues/posts to see if your idea/topic has been covered recently. Max is 650 words. It wont be easy, but watch this space, As parliament debates sweeping away EU rules, MPs should remember that deregulation paved the way to the deadly fire in 2017, In relationships, controlling and coercive behaviour is now a criminal offence. If you already comment on our site, please include your commenting name. You are notified only if you are considered for publication. Include your name, address and phone number to be considered for publication. Taking its name from its traditional position opposite the editorial page of a newspaper, an op-ed is an opinion essay written by a staff columnist or an outside contributor. Include your fill name, home address, and day number. Email: 600-800 words. Op-eds: 800 words. Letters: Email: - Bakersfield Californian o Op-Eds: Up to 700 words. Op-eds: Any topic. Op-eds substantially longer or shorter will not be considered. Interested in public policy, especially state and local. Include name, number, and address. Op-eds: 650-900 words in length. Highest priority to local writers writing about local topics. Email: When you see experienced op-ed authors saying "to be sure," that's what they're doing. Letters: Letters must be signed. Email: If you do not hear back in two weeks, your article will not be used. One of our master editors will live-edit a few drafts (chosen from among those you submit) and will answer your questions in real-time. (For more information, see the Guardian freelance charter.). Letters and articles may be edited and may be published, reproduced or distributed in print, electronic or other forms. All letters must include the writer's name, full home address and daytime and evening phone numbers for verification. Email: Include name, address, and day phone. Email: SPORT OF ALL KINDS. Mail: Letters to the Editor, Democrats and Chronicle, 55 Exchange Boulevard, Rochester, NY 14614. Email: Bear in mind that when writing for us, you are writing for a global, diverse audience. Op-eds: Email: and CC Anonymous letters, letters using a pseudonym and open letters addressed to third parties will not be published. Submit here. To sum up: The Guardian is very difficult to contact and get a pitch accepted, but is very valuable if you can swing it. Op-eds: Commentaries are 600-750 words on current public policy/societal issues on the local, state, national, and international scene. Letters must be written to editors of the News. Preference given to Atlanta and Georgia writers who focus on local and regional issues. Email: Their preference is short essays on highly topical issues or themes of particular relevance to the Pacific NorthWest, Oregon, and the Portland metro area. Letters: Fill out their online form here. Op-eds: 500 words. If you do not hear in three business days, assume the article will not be used. In the postscript of the article, The Guardian's staff explain that to write the article, they had given GPT-3 a prompt and intro and told to generate a 500-word op-ed. Op-eds: Conversational articles are most appealing. Letters should be 250 words. Submissions must be sent to as a .doc, .docx . Include background and where you live, plus your telephone number. Op-eds: 750 words for op-ed pieces. Pieces should include links (URLs, not headlines or footnotes) to back up quotes and factual material. Whisper it, but the UK and the EU are starting to mend their broken relationship, The missile strike has ignited visceral fear in Poland, and poses hard questions for Nato, Martin Rowson on UK ministers blocking Scotlands gender recognition law cartoon, Steve Bell on the governments anti-strike bill cartoon, Ben Jennings on Keir Starmers hopes of cutting NHS waiting times cartoon, Striking workers are telling the truth about Britain. Op-eds longer/shorter than that will not be considered. Submit here. The Guardian view on reforming the Met: a systemic problem demands political leadership, The Guardian view on a deal for Northern Ireland: Sunak must face down his ultras, The Guardian view on regulating social media: the internet should be safer, The Guardian view on wealth taxes: UK needs one on millionaires and billionaires, The Guardian view on Brazil and the Bolsonaristas: its not over yet, The Guardian view on energy prepayment meters: customers need protecting, The Observer view on the secret garage files that could deal a severe blow to Joe Bidens hopes, The Observer view on how the UK has become a hostile place to have children, The Guardian view on European migration policy: a cruel, myopic shambles, The Guardian view on interactive TV: not quite as daring as it thinks, The Guardian view on a property-owning democracy: Tory dream becomes a nightmare, The Guardian view on Perus political violence: stop the killings, The Guardian view on anti-strike laws: bad in practice, wrong in principle, The Guardian view on democracy in Israel: under assault from the top, The Guardian view on teachers: blame years of cuts for shortages, The Guardian view on Greater Manchesters Atom Valley plan: growth outside the city, The Guardian view on Brazils far right: a clear and present danger, The Guardian view on the royal family: harried towards reform, The Guardian view on problems in the western Balkans: Europe should do more, The Guardian view on the Benin bronzes: leading the way home, About 14,808 results for Editorials + Opinion. Response may take up to a week. The Guardian is a major international newspaper, with a long history, and a good reputation. Op-ed pieces (literally, opposite the editorial page) represent the views of individual columnists. Op-eds: Emailed submissions preferred. Letters: Limited to 200 words. What nonsense, A few hours as a patient in A&E confirmed it to me the Tories are bleeding out the NHS, Rishi Sunak is stuck peddling fake solutions he cant admit his own party is the problem, Its Prince Harry in One Flew Over The Windsors Nest. Exclusive submissions only. You retain ownership of any copyright to the article and right to resell it. Letters should be 150 words or less. Op-eds: Generally do not publish submissions from out of state authors. By Steve McCurry December 13, 2016. Topic must relate to an issue currently in the news and exclusive to the Chicago area. May be distributed through print and online. Its also worth mentioning, briefly, any writing experience youve had in the past, but dont be put off pitching us a piece simply because you havent been published before. Writers retain rights to their work after publication. Your Voice is based on personal experience and expertise. Send in a plain text email to We reserve the right to edit and shorten the text. In some cases, we will already have published other pieces on the subject youd like to write about, so we will only commission you if your piece can explore a specific element of the story that has yet to be considered. Well done, Keir Starmer, for taking on private schools tax breaks but you can go further, Why Ursula von der Leyen is the worlds most powerful woman. The Pulitzer Prize-winning Times has been covering Southern California for more than 133 years. Email: Letters: Email: 150 word limit. Details here. If your column is not acknowledged, please resend to Include name, home address, day number, and email. The Op-Ed Page 229 West 43rd Street New York, NY 10036 To submit an Op-Ed for the City, Long Island or Westchester weekly sections please e-mail one of the following: U0T U0T U0T We read all submissions promptly and will contact you within one week if we are Include your name, address and daytime telephone number so we can verify your comments. Addresses and phone numbers are not published. Include a tagline identifying yourself and providing an email address at which interested readers may contact you. You may submit to this online form. If you do not hear from them within 5 days they will not be using your submission. Letters: Letters must be signed (no pseudonyms or initials) and are subject to editing for clarity and length. Reach statewide contact Dan Hawkins, opinion curator, at Email your piece along with your JPG headshot to Must be exclusive. It cannot shirk it, Barbados beat us to it, but this week our prime minister made throwing off the colonial yoke a top priority. Podcasts. The problem is victims arent believed, Blocking Scotlands gender bill is no anti-woke crusade. Or email: Email: Preferably exclusive. Must arrive latest by Wednesday for publication on Saturday afternoon. The paper is owned by a Trust, whose sole purpose is to fund the paper, giving it financial and editorial independence. They run about 650 words usually. Are you interested in being published on the US opinion page for the Guardian? Paste in text. The proper forum for such responses is our letter to the editor space. But those occasions are pretty rare. No longer than 1000 words maximum. Letters: 200 words. Provide full name, address, and telephone number. Online application form here. Letters: Letters to the Editor should be brief. Occasionally, an opinion will be so interesting that well run it without a specific news peg. An online news source whose coverage focuses on three topics that are increasingly converging in strange and important ways: power, culture, and the future. A lesson for Sunak: when the Tories take on striking workers, they dont always win, The sheer joy of Jamie Lee Curtis cheering Michelle Yeoh sets a new bar for female best-friendship, Civilised European nations sack striking workers, do they, Grant Shapps? Email: Letters: Submissions over 200 words are not likely to be published. Letters: The Fresno Bee edits letters for brevity, clarity, grammar and accuracy. Send via email, no attachments, to Op-eds: Op-eds should be no more than 600 words. Op-eds: letterstoeditor@bostonherald.comLetters: Submit to their online form here. They are looking for insightful commentary on issues of the day. If so, another outlet might be a better fit. Submission. Due to the volume of submissions, we can't respond to all columns sent to us. No attachments, please. Provide source material for fact checking. If you already comment on our site, please include your commenting name. Email: Email: Letters: 200 words. We seek to offer readers a wide range of views on public policy issues. Email: A few precise words on exactly what youre interested in writing about make it much more likely that an interested editor will be able to find your pitch, later in the day, when they have a chance to get back to you. Your own commentary should be 600-650 words. If any individual or group with an interest in the topic you are pitching has compensated you, tell us. Please note that you must include your FULL NAME, HOMETOWN and PHONE NUMBER. The writers printed name, full home address, day number footnotes ) to back up and. Brief biography on both attachment and email letters: send emails without attachments to @! W. Jeffries ( County Chairman ), T. R. Chesterman, E. a at. You remember most footnotes ) to back up quotes and factual material they are more famous... 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