It is for us, but it is only in Him before God. Secondly, it cannot give life; and this is another necessity of man. And there the solemn compact into which Israel had passed is renewed. PROCLAIMED THE NAME OF THE LORD, called out and explained the THIRD SECTION It was the power of the Spirit. Further, our Lord says, "For their sakes I sanctify myself ( i.e. The way was now open into the presence of God. And so surely tremendous declarations of God's grace, God's mercy, God's forgiveness, God's goodness, God's truth. that pillar of cloud which had hitherto gone before Israel, and had The brazen laver judged sin by the word of God, just as the brazen altar judged it sacrificially. WebTheme: Redemption (See this concept - 11x/7v Exodus 6:6; 13:13, 15; 15:13; 21:8, 30; 34:20). When the veil was rent (namely, by Christ dying as a man), man could go into the presence of God, at least the believer. But they had no such thoughts of themselves, more than real knowledge of God. The Christian has it also, and in a far better way. Where the faultless picture of a servant but in Him? It was necessary, therefore, that the people should know something definite about the Being to whom they were thus intimately related and whom they professed to serve. Now we are here told. After the call to the people to bring their offerings, we find the use to which they were to be applied First and foremost stands the centre of Levitical worship the ark. Moses, man just got down on his face and began to worship God.] Let him come unto me." WebExodus 34:5 The LORD descended in the cloud and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the LORD. Israel are to approve themselves as holy men to God. But there was another requisite next set forth. THE COVENANT WORDS. CHAPTER 34 We have the position of sons, a relationship which the Lord Jesus had in all its perfection, and in an infinitely higher sense, in which no creature can share it along with Him. unto the first: and I will write upon the tables the words that were Grace binds us with Christ as Aaron with his sons. Oh how I thank God and praise God for the value that He's placed upon my life. Thus it is evident that, no matter what the subject may be, the Sabbath has always a place assigned to it. But is that the highest form of blessedness? God "hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.". (1-3) Moses asks Pharaoh to let the children of Israel go to the wilderness to worship. The blood of the bullock for a sin-offering was put on the horns of the altar; the blood of one ram for a burnt-offering was sprinkled round about upon the altar; and the blood of the other ram for consecration was put on Aaron's right ear, and that of his sons, on their right thumb and right great toe. Hence, as duty is ever measured by responsibility, that of the Christian is according to the place in which grace has put him. Web5 Then the Lord came down in the cloud and stood there with him and proclaimed his name, the Lord. Yet the Bible declares, Paul the apostle prayed for the Ephesians that they might know what are the riches of His inheritance in the saints. "Well, we'll see if we have enough left for ourselves, and if we have enough we'll give it to God." on high in the air over the mount, and on which the Lord now de And the LORD descended in the cloud, and stood with him there, and First of all they promised obedience; but it was the obedience of the law. It is not merely as having the word that reveals heaven; but we know it from Him who comes from heaven and is above all, and testifies what He has seen and heard; we know it through the Holy Ghost who has come down from it, and hence should know it better than the earth, and the things of the world which ensnare the flesh. Jonah's Use of This Passage. Jehovah however stands to His own ways, and says to Moses, "Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book. Exodus 33:18. Countless and ceaseless as are the benefits which are imparted to us by the bright orb of day, the human eye cannot look upon his undimmed noonday face, without being blinded. Is it not His grace shown in man, even in the man Christ Jesus? "I will closely with the last section of the preceding chapter, and must be And Moses was not able to enter because the cloud dwelt thereon, and the glory filled the tabernacle. Thou shalt not seethe kid in his mother's milk. Everything has its beautiful and perfect answer in the word of God; but then all is useless to the soul, except just so far as one sees and receives the Lord Jesus Christ. Now, let me ask, what mind of man could ever have thought of a decision so excellent, though surely far below the surface? Nobody doubts the good intentions of such as interpret it thus; but these are not enough with the word of God. And the Lord passed by before him and proclaimed.. Hence therefore, no sooner does God propose to them that they should obey His law as the condition of their blessing at His hands, than they at once accept the terms: "Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine." (vs.1-28) Covenant renewed: Make no covenant with the peoples of Also specifically mentioned was the obligation to keep the weekly Sabbath and the annual festivals (21-24; see 23:12-17). This warning was particularly appropriate in view of recent events in the worship of the golden idol. All the previous dealings of God with Israel had been successive revelations of His attributes, embraced in the name JEHOVAH. Though the account is brief, Moses was with God on the mountain for about six weeks, as on the previous occasion (27-28; cf. Next (versesExodus 26:15-30; Exodus 26:15-30) follows the account of the acacia boards with their tenons and bolts, the sockets of silver and the rings of gold. And every man, with whom was found blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen, and goats' hair, and red skins of rams, and badgers' skins, brought them. 10 God maketh a couenant with them, repeating certaine dueties of the This vital separation to God, and not practical holiness, is what is here called sanctification of the Spirit the most fundamental meaning of it indeed anywhere. God descends the mountain and describes Himself to Moses (5-7) III. It was not merely a new nature or a new position, but it was a corresponding power of the Spirit of God. It was now a question of a nation, and not of individuals merely, thus governed of one nation in the midst of many which were to behold in it the consequences of fidelity or the lack of it toward the law of Jehovah. For the first time the face of Moses shines after communications with God. Jehovah directs the attention of Moses to the camp, saying, "I have seen this people, and, behold, it is a stiff-necked people. As far as this figure is concerned, then, our place is represented by Moses when he takes off the vail and is face to face with the glory of God Himself. That as His power supports His goodness man need not despond.2. "Now Moses is just saying that, "Lord, take these people, put the value on them as Your inheritance." It is needless to linger on the scene of the rebellion. 2. His holy submission to the will of God, made known in this declaration, subscribing to his justice as well as mercy, and putting himself and his people Israel under the government and direction of such a God as Jehovah had now proclaimed himself to be. Many words are here heaped up, to acquaint us with, and convince us of, God's goodness, and to show how much his goodness is both his glory and his delight, yet without any tautology. These things God had already promised, and given Moses assurances of, and yet he prays for them, not as doubting the sincerity of God's grants, but as one solicitous for the ratification of them. "And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant the Ten commandments.". The Lord descended By some sensible token of his presence, and A man hitherto has been altogether indifferent to the word of God. (Exodus 34:10) Moses had prayed Him as Adonai to "go among us; for it is a stiff-necked people; and pardon our sin, and take us for thine inheritance." In the hallowing of the priestly family the following points are observable. "* Such was no doubt the doctrine of those whom the apostle censures as wishing to be law-teachers, understanding neither what things they say nor whereof they stoutly affirm. Next, He proclaims His clemency and mercy; nor is He contented with a single word, but, after having called Himself merciful, He claims the praise of clemency, inasmuch as He has no more peculiar attribute than His goodness and gratuitous beneficence. ], Moses response to Gods gracious revelation was submission and worship (Exodus 34:8). For the presence of God with his people Israel in the wilderness: "I pray thee, go among us, for thy presence is all in all to our safety and success." Jehovah loves to surrender to Moses, as of old to Jacob with far feebler forces. W. Burn. There isn't a God of the Old Testament, and a different God of the New. on high in the air over the mount, and on which the Lord now de And the LORD descended in the cloud, and stood with him there, and This was the first full revelation, the last is like unto it. God is love, and they are enough for faith and hope and work Notice, 1. Is it not known that for a righteous man (which assuredly the believer is) law is not in force, but for lawless and insubordinate, the ungodly and sinful. Such is the line which divides them. This proclamation is of valuei. (378) A.V. So he would veil his face when he would go out and talk with the children of Israel, because he would have this shining on his face. The Lord descended By some sensible token of his presence, and They are occupied with the provision of light where God manifested Himself, and in order to the due service of those who entered the sanctuary. _HILDA BRIGHT AND KITTY PRIDE_ For what was presented there? of the land of Egypt, the same day came they into the wilderness of Apologetically. And he said unto him, If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence." In answer to Moses who advances in his demands, yet withal no less suiting them to the divine glory than to the people's wants according to the light then vouchsafed, God makes a covenant different from what went before. This was impossible yet. Such an one may be very ignorant, no doubt; but at any rate his heart is made up to obey the Lord his desire is Godward. Six days shalt thou work, but the seventh day shall be a day of rest: even in the harvest time and in the earing time thou shalt observe the feast of weeks, [that is] the first of the wheat harvest ( Exodus 34:21-22 ). Even the force of the silver redemption-money he thinks disproved by the fact that the sockets of the door were made of brass. This denotes, [1.] The very notion of a king and a kingdom puts the subjects at a greater distance. preacher, and God himself in his covenant engagements is the "In the third month, when the children of Israel were gone forth out Exodus 34:5-7. This cloud was to strike an awe upon Moses, that the familiarity he was admitted to might not breed contempt. That they become the innocent victims of their parents' folly. Hearken, says Law, to the melody of this sweet note. Thank God there's always a way out, there's always-God has provided a way out through the blood of Jesus Christ that can wash, and cleanse us. It is the riches of His riches. He besought the Lord again to re-establish His covenant acknowledging the sinfulness of the Israelites with whom he humbly identified. But inasmuch as Christ differed from Moses, as grace differs from law; as that which suits God the Father known in heaven, though manifesting Himself upon earth, differs from a process of mere dealing with the first man according to righteous claim; so it is with the Christian man: while faithful to Christ, as he knows Him, he will never do anything which the law could possibly condemn. You cannot do that to a child without marking the child, without damaging the child psychologically, putting psychic scars upon that child's mind that's gonna be with him the rest of his life.Thank God for the power of the blood of Jesus Christ; it's the only thing that I know that can straighten up the mess that people's minds are in because of some of the stupid things their parents did. The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary, College Press Bible Study Textbook Series, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, G. Campbell Morgan's Exposition on the Whole Bible, Introductory Lectures - Commentary by William Kelly, John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible, Joseph Bensons Commentary on the Old and New Testaments, Kretzmann's Popular Commentary of the Bible, Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scriptures, Leslie M. Grant's Commentary on the Bible, Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible, Matthew Poole's Concise Commentary On The Bible, Notes on the Pentateuch by Charles Henry Mackintosh, Sutcliffe's Commentary on the Old and New Testaments, Through The Bible C2000 Serie by Chuck Smith. His mercy is grace, free grace; this teaches us to be not only pitiful, but courteous, 1 Peter 3:8. The Spirit given to the Christian is of power, love, and a sound mind. Those who reason from Israel to us, without intending it, ignore the relationship of the Christian, and set aside the bearing of redemption on our walk: so serious is that error which to many seems a pious thought, and I am sure taken up by them with the desire of honouring God and His will. Because it was hard to look at his shining face? Decalogue is inscribed on two fresh tables, a See on Exodus 33:19. Astonishing is the boldness of faith; but then its pleading is grounded on the known grace of God Himself. That is so absolutely sick I can't even think of it. God now was performing what he had promised Moses, the day before, that his glory should pass by, Exodus 33:22; Exodus 33:22. To the afflicted. Number one, why the veil over the face of Moses? The angels ever, Draw strength from gazing on its glance,Though none its meaning fathom may;The Words unwithered countenanceIs bright as at Mount Sinais day., Sun-Splendours! The habitual means whereby God gives proof that He is right, graciously enabling us to understand is by His word. promises unless we make conscie Exodus 34:1. As promised in Exodus 33:19. _and_ HE (Moses) TOOK HIS STAND (cf. A few words on this subject may not be amiss for any souls that have not adequately considered the matter, as there is hardly anything on which men are so much at fault as this question. But the difficulty is this, that man being a sinner is as far as possible from ability to meet God's law; for how indeed can there be any real stable bond between a bad man and a good law? God, the cloud removed from the door of the Tent of Meeting, It may be added here, as some have found an apparent inconsistency in comparing the passage with 1 Samuel 3:3, that the Hebrew means not "always" in the absolute sense, but continually or constantly. Intimacy with what is unseen and heavenly is quite as much the portion of a Christian and even more characteristically so than the knowledge of what passes around us now. Though the first tables of the law had been given to Moses, they never IN THE CLOUD; in the cloudy pillar, which ordinarily stood up in the Where Christ is thus received in the Holy Ghost, a new kind of responsibility is created. Now if gold represents God's righteousness which we approach within; and if brass or rather copper means, when thus symbolically viewed, His righteousness as applied to man outside in His immutable judgment, what is the force of silver in this connection? CONTENTS: Second tables of the law. No doubt it was connected with the earth, and what was in itself anything but a condition suitable to the mind of God. That would be absolutely glorious. That is the bearing of it all. He belonged to God automatically. But not so: it will take a new shape. On Moses reaching the summit of CHAPTER XXXIV. Now, in all these things it is the display of what God is to man; God Himself in His own sole majesty in the ark, God Himself associated with man, with Israel, in the show-bread, God Himself with this light of the sanctuary or the power of the Spirit of God. It has ever been the pious mind which has through the eyes beheld the chain of revelation and the long series of Divine manifestations gradually unwind themselves. Next came the table,* and upon it a defined supply of bread. It consisted of a declaration by God of the truth In His love He is become a servant for ever; and He loves to be so. It is in no way the glory which is the hope of the Christian. When the time was come, He took a basin of water and a towel, and washed His disciples' feet. This bespeaks his tender compassion, like that of a father to his children. It has saving joy for countless yet. PROCLAIMED. Certain things which happened to Israel may be types for the Christian, but nothing more. _ 1. Early Christians saw the Exodus as a typological prefiguration of resurrection and salvation by Jesus. No doubt the time was not yet come for God to reveal Himself as He is. God doesn't just say to a person, "Well, that's all right, you're forgiven." Moses made haste, and he bowed his head towards the earth, and he worshipped. The O.T. But cloud by day and fire by night, the token of is presence was ever before all Israel (versesExodus 40:34-38; Exodus 40:34-38). They're not to make any covenant because, verse fifteen. We are adopted sons; but then we are more than that. Every one that did offer an offering of silver and brass brought Jehovah's offering: and every man, with whom was found shittim wood for any work of the service, brought it. Now there are people who try to say that there is a God of the Old Testament, and a God of the New Testament. Now that's the part that I have, "Here God, You can have me for Your inheritance." Exodus 32:1-35 reveals a sad interruption after the wonderful communications of God to His servant. This is the peculiarity. No way. Exodus Bitcoin & Crypto Wallet Manage and exchange 260+ cryptos and NFTs on your web browser, mobile, desktop, and hardware wallets Watch Video Get Exodus Now Buy Crypto directly with USD, EUR, and GBP On ramp to 25+ cryptocurrencies using your credit/debit card, bank account or Apple Pay within Exodus mobile Learn More About Fiat On-Ramp Deuteronomy 10:4_. They still have that veil over their face as God seeks to speak to them today, and they cannot see that Jesus Christ is indeed the Messiah that God had promised to the nation Israel. proclaimed the name of Yah Exodus 34:5 , EXODUS 34:29 The proclamation of Jehovah (Exodus 34:5) "Sanctified" in this sense is clearly before justification; and so the apostle puts it. The Holy Ghost is the only power for rightly using, and applying, and enjoying the truth; and therefore He is called "the truth" no less than the Lord Jesus. He is long-suffering. There is no doubt that it is the goodness and mercy of God; but it is to a people still under the government of the law. All the people answer when the words and judgments are pronounced, "All the words which Jehovah hath said will we do." This was delivered for the Jewish nation and the world. This I believe to be the true meaning of the passage, and especially of the term "sanctification of the Spirit" here; though it is frankly and fully allowed that this is not the only meaning of "sanctification" in scripture. Divorce has become such an easy thing. (1.) Some (383) thus explain it, That God pardons sins, because no one is innocent in His sight; as if it were said, that all are destitute of the glory of righteousness, and thence their only refuge is in the mercy of God. 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